(2 ounces/ 56 grams)
Life’s Harmony is designed to promote healthy progesterone levels essential for hormonal balance in women of all ages (and also in men). Life’s Harmony promotes wellness and all natural relief through a gentle and natural internal balance. This pure, non-synthetic formula contains all-natural ingredients that are proven to be safe and effective and easily absorbed through the skin. Each tube contains approximately 1200 mg of Natural Progesterone which is biologically identical to what our body produces.
Women often report positive results within 30 days when used as directed. Natural progesterone cream helps women to balance their hormones and to live healthy, productive lives.
Let’s take a look at the importance of progesterone in our bodies:
Progesterone is a hormone made by the corpus luteum of the ovary at ovulation, and in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands. This is also where men make theirs. Progesterone is manufactured in the body from the steroid hormone pregnenolone, which is made from cholesterol and is a precursor to most of the other hormones, including the estrogens and testosterone. As such, progesterone plays a vital life long role in the health and balance of our endocrine (hormone) system.
Progesterone is one of the three best known sex hormones; the others are estrogens (estriol, estrodial, estrone) and testosterone. During a woman’s life, progesterone regulates the menstrual cycle, it is responsible for the shedding of the uterine lining at menstruation – it plays a key role in a healthy pregnancy – without it a woman’s body would reject the embryo – is an important component of healthy weight as it assists in balancing thyroid hormones.
Progesterone is produced by a woman’s body generally at 15 to 24 mg per day in the second half of the monthly cycle. During pregnancy more and more progesterone is produced and in the third trimester of pregnancy, this amount increases to about 300 mg daily. Many women have reported a glow during pregnancy and a sense of unsurpassed wellbeing. This has been attributed to healthy progesterone levels.
During their child bearing years, menstruating women often go through excruciating problems every single month due to Premenstrual Syndrome, a name describing symptoms ranging from mild to severe cramping, irritability, blood sugar imbalance, bouts of crying, craving for sweets, sore breasts, tender abdomen, severe moodiness, bloating, often followed by a heavy blood flow. Many women are incapacitated and require bed rest during this time and many more would love to stay home, except they have jobs to keep and families to feed. The stories of these days of the month are legend.
As a woman ages, her flow is less regular, progesterone production decreases and eventually stops at menopause. Menopause is ‘official’ when there has been no menstruation for one year.
The resulting decrease in estrogen production is exceeded by the eventual total cessation of progesterone production. Symptoms such as hot flashes, sleeplessness, loss of hair and libido, disinterest in male company, memory loss, night sweats, depression, migraine headaches, a change in bone density, a disconcerting sense of ‘I don’t recognize myself anymore’, matched by a distinct desire for solitude can surface at this time. For women who go through this, such experience is extremely dis-empowering, all the more so if she is used to being in charge and successfully managing her life. In addition, a woman may experience weight gain and an increase in body fat around the middle, caused by the lack of progesterone, which affects thyroid hormones and therefore metabolism.
Life’s Harmony was formulated with people’s best health in mind. From the start, we wanted a product that was effective, would bring the results it was intended to produce and did not contain artificial or synthetic ingredients. It contains no animal by-products and is cruelty free. It was also intended to be fairly priced and unique in its composition.
We have succeeded in all these points.
Life’s Harmony is designed to accompany women through their cycles of life. It will soothe symptoms of PMS, help women who are on birth control to balance the estrogen; it may help women with low progesterone production to conceive and successfully carry a baby to term. For pre-menopausal years, a woman is supported by Life’s Harmony through night sweats, hot flashes, sleeplessness, loss of libido, lumpy, fibrous breasts, weight gain, and irritability. It has a calming effect and helps to balances the other hormones, which may assist you in keeping trim and fit. For post-menopausal women, Life’s Harmony is insurance against Osteoporosis and continues to help with balance of the Thyroid and any estrogen dominance that may be present.
In our informal field tests, women over two months, reported a high rate of success and experienced a very positive change in their PMS, pre or menopausal symptoms. Additionally, increase of libido and renewed scalp hair growth were welcome results.
Women using Life’s Harmony natural progesterone cream may experience relief from:
- Pre-Menstrual Syndrome PMS
- Sore and tender breasts
- Breast enlargement
- Cramping
- Abdominal pain
- Migraine Headaches related to PMS
- Mood swings and irritability
- Sugar cravings
- Women on birth control pill reported an increase in wellbeing before their periods
- Irregular periods
Women in pre and during menopause may experience relief from:
- Insomnia
- Hot flashes**
- Hormone related migraine headaches
- Renewed libido
- Night sweats
- Irregular spotting turned to a flow or ceased
- Pain relief
- Hair Loss related to hormone imbalance
- Skin rashes
Post-menopausal women, who are frequent users of natural progesterone, have reported positive results in these areas:
- Spider Veins
- Acute pain on arms and elbows, preventive on knees prior to garden work
- For severe bruising after a fall, Life Harmony gave pain relief and sped up healing
- Migraine and other headaches, apply a bit of cream on areas where the pain is.
Life’s Harmony Ingredients:
600 mg (per ounce) natural progesterone, converted from Mexican Wild Yam.
Aloe Vera forms an effective moisture barrier and promotes supple and clean, healthy skin. Its capacity to transport other ingredients into the skin is matched by its excellent natural protective properties.
Jojoba Oil maintains smooth and supple skin, aids in the reduction of stretch marks, is a high quality emollient and has a well established record of benefits for skin.
Coconut Oil softens the skin, but also protects it against damage, promotes healing and gives it a more youthful, healthy appearance. It prevents and protects against destructive free-radical damage. Coconut oil can help keep the skin from developing liver spots, and other blemishes caused by aging and over exposure to sunlight.
Cocoa Butter forms a highly moisturizing protective layer on the skin. When applied topically, it creates a barrier between sensitive skin and the environment and also helps to retain moisture all over the body. Cocoa butter is one of the most stable fats known and contains high concentrations of the anti-aging polyphenol antioxidants that help to alleviate the signs of aging
Almond Oil is an excellent emollient, softening and soothing. Moisture balancing properties make Almond oil suitable for all sin types. It helps relieve irritation, inflammation and itching.
Avocado Oil is a lipid base that penetrates the skin more deeply than other plant oils. Therefore it’s an ideal base for trans-dermal treatments and a natural carrier for added supplements to reach the deepest target areas. Avocado Oil has outstanding regenerative properties and restructuring powers to keep skin healthy. Containing high levels of essential fatty acids, which make skin more elastic, its high level of sterolins is reputed to reduce age spots, scars and sun damage.
Vitamin E Oil offers anti-oxidant protection to cell membranes, active enzyme sites and DNA. When applied topically with natural progesterone cream, Vitamin E is helpful in relieving vaginal dryness.
Tocotrienols have the power to inhibit or kill tumors. Tocotrienols can help to prevent skin aging and damage from free radicals generated by UV rays and from environmental pollutants. Melanoma, also on the increase, can be inhibited with the delta fraction of tocotrienols.
Licorice Root Extract is a traditional herb added to promote hormone balance.
Allantoin (comfrey root) is a hugely successful skin healer. Used in burn centers the world over, this humble ingredient is a powerhouse of restorative and regenerative qualities.
Broccoli extract has built in hormone regulating properties in the form of sulphoraphane, promoting additional protection from proliferating cancer cells due to excess estrogen.
‘Sulphoraphane glucosinolate (SGS) plays a role in boosting the body’s natural Phase 2 enzyme antioxidant defense systems and functions as a powerful indirect antioxidant detoxifying carcinogens before they can damage cells.’
Pure Natural Essential oil of grapefruit used for fragrance and as preservative.
While you are encouraged to follow the suggested guidelines, your body is unique and your experience of your symptoms when using natural progesterone will also be unique. Please learn what dosage works for you.