Tommie’s Blog

  • Proof that all things are possible and common sense hydration.

    Proof that all things are possible and common sense hydration.

    Possible is an incredible word. We believe wholeheartedly in possibilities especially when you link them to the word common-sense. I guess some would consider this two words, but don‘t let anyone fool you. It is just one. Most of us are average or common, and most of us have sense. Average people exercising common-sense have…

  • Weight loss and Healthy Resolutions After the Holidays

    Weight loss and Healthy Resolutions After the Holidays

    The Holidays are over. Stuffing ourselves beyond becoming comatose in a chair is put away until next year. It is January and here we are with our list. This year we are going to save money, spend time with family, quit smoking, exercise regularly, read more books, eat healthier, and the number one thing we…

  • Dehydration and Demineralization 101

    Dehydration and Demineralization 101

    There is a list of diseases associated with dehydration, and electrolytic mineral depletion. Nice to use big or confusing words isn’t it? Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity are just a few. The book, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water: You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty, maps out all the benefits of drinking more water…

  • The Hype of Alkalinity

    The Hype of Alkalinity

    Alkalinity has become all the rage across conversations about nutrition. Unfortunately, hype can be devastating to our body, because no one really understands how the body works continually to balance itself. One hundred and forty trillion cells are continually communicating and dancing in rhythm. Bad information throws everything out of sync, or worse, causes disease.…

  • The Easiest Way to Drink More Water

    The Easiest Way to Drink More Water

    The easiest way to drink more water is to buy a bigger water bottle. It’s that simple. Most of us are drinking bottled water from plastic bottles which is not stored at proper temperatures to keep the bad stuff from leaking into the water itself. When I see bottled water sold in stores by the…

  • You Are Never Too Old to Improve Your Life

    You Are Never Too Old to Improve Your Life

    Have you ever decided to make a healthy lifestyle change but quickly given up, telling yourself that it’s too late to learn new habits? It’s time to take charge and not let your age stop you, because there’s surprisingly not that much difference between an 18-year-old brain and a 100-year-old brain, says Argye Hills, MD…