Tommie’s Blog

  • Chasing Miracles is proud to bring you an exciting new product to kick off Summer called HGH Gel

    Chasing Miracles is proud to bring you an exciting new product to kick off Summer called HGH Gel

    HGH Gel is the only transdermal, FDS registered product containing HOMEOPATHIC human growth hormone available. This product is designed especially for men and women 35 plus interested in supporting a healthy lifestyle and overall well being. GROWING OLD IS A FACT OF LIFE, AND IT’S INEVITABLE: Our bones become brittle, skin starts to wrinkle, muscles…

  • How does pH Affect Your Health?

    How does pH Affect Your Health?

    Let’s break this down into a beginners basic form: The pH scale runs from 0 (acidic) to 14 (basic or alkaline) with 7 as neutral. Most water will test at a pH of 7. Sulphuric acid has a pH of almost 0, and is extremely acidic and highly corrosive. At the opposite end of the…

  • The Incredible Health Benefits of Alkaline Water – Get The Facts!

    The Incredible Health Benefits of Alkaline Water – Get The Facts!

    For most of the years we are alive we take our body for granted. It goes about its business without us even thinking about it. Our sub-conscious mind makes most decisions for us. It decides to grow our skin, heal our colds and broken bones, beat our heart and add tears to our eyes. It…

  • Why Are We Trying To Reinvent Water?

    Why Are We Trying To Reinvent Water?

    The big question that always comes up from people who are wanting to improve their health by reducing the sugar laden drinks in their diet is: “Can carbonated beverages harm you?” Or: “Can you hydrate from carbonated water?” There are some common health concerns associated with drinking carbonated water — for instance, that it leaches…

  • It’s Never Too Late For Change

    It’s Never Too Late For Change

    I am an older person. Sixty seven to be exact. I believe my body, in a perfect world, would heal everything that goes wrong with it. It has done a pretty good job up to now of fixing my infections, shortening my colds, mending my broken bones, cuts and abrasions of which there have been…

  • Memorial Day – Mission of Hope!

    Memorial Day – Mission of Hope!

    We The People In honor of Memorial Day this month Chasing Miracles wants to share it’s mission of Hope. Chasing Miracles centers around kindness and a belief in the human spirit, but it goes further. In the beginning, there were just people and the writing was a form of entertainment and expression. Things changed rapidly…