Tommie’s Blog

  • The path is still before me in my weight loss journey

    The path is still before me in my weight loss journey

    I mean this literally and figuratively. I am still hovering after five months now at the same 27 to 30 pounds down.  It hasn’t moved.  I can’t brag about dropping another 12 to 14 pounds.  My goal is still on the horizon.  So WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?  (I wanted to use that F word…

  • What Do You Do When Weight Loss Stalls?

    What Do You Do When Weight Loss Stalls?

    What God and Your Body Want I am varying between 27 and 30 pounds off and have been for several weeks.  Am I discouraged? No, I am not. I put this weight on over a two year period. I felt heavy and slow and almost disabled.  I couldn’t bend over and tie my shoes without…

  • The more you poo, the better you will do

    The more you poo, the better you will do

    Now We Get To The Poo – (Not  “Winnie The” ) The weight loss industry is something of an anomaly. If these programs actually worked the weight of the entire planet would have been shifted enough to tilt the earth on its axis and everyone would have slid to the edge of the flat side and fallen off.…

  • Dehydration Dangers and How Not Drinking Enough Water Affects Your Body

    Dehydration Dangers and How Not Drinking Enough Water Affects Your Body

    Dehydration is affecting all of us to some degree Dehydration is not talked about enough, which is incredible given the Dis-ease states it creates.  We need to think about this complex machine/body we walk around in more simple ways, and realize the inside of our body needs the same thought and concern we give the…

  • Weight Loss Progress with LifeWave Phototherapy Patches and a Focus on Healthy Choices

    Weight Loss Progress with LifeWave Phototherapy Patches and a Focus on Healthy Choices

    “Islands in the stream. This is who we are.” 13 days are gone and so are another two pounds.  I cannot tell you how good I feel.  You will have to do this for yourself.  My body is slowing the process down. I won’t say I am plateauing, because that isn’t true.  As I said before…

  • Am I drinking enough water?

    Am I drinking enough water?

    Your body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate your joints. Water is needed for overall good health.Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly.  Drinking water daily is a must. Most people have been told they should drink 6…