Archived Health and Wellness Articles

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  • The Truth About Electrolytes: Vital for Healing and Wellness

    What Are electrolytes and Why Do We need Them? They act like a spark in our cells. Without enough electrolytes we feel tired, lethargic, are sick a lot, don’t heal well and mentally feel fatigued and foggy. Electrolytes are essential minerals (electrically charged minerals) that carry an electric charge and are vital for various physiological…

  • How Lifewave X39 Phototherapy Patches Offer Immediate Results

    David Schmidt, founder and CEO, talks about Lifewave technology and the X39 in this webinar and explains how the technology he developed back in 2004 helps to elevate your health by activating your natural energy in the body.  Why is Lifewave phototherapy patch technology better than other pain relief patches? It’s not a drug or…

  • The path is still before me in my weight loss journey

    I mean this literally and figuratively. I am still hovering after five months now at the same 27 to 30 pounds down.  It hasn’t moved.  I can’t brag about dropping another 12 to 14 pounds.  My goal is still on the horizon.  So WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?  (I wanted to use that F word…

  • What Do You Do When Weight Loss Stalls?

    What God and Your Body Want I am varying between 27 and 30 pounds off and have been for several weeks.  Am I discouraged? No, I am not. I put this weight on over a two year period. I felt heavy and slow and almost disabled.  I couldn’t bend over and tie my shoes without…

  • The more you poo, the better you will do

    Now We Get To The Poo – (Not  “Winnie The” ) The weight loss industry is something of an anomaly. If these programs actually worked the weight of the entire planet would have been shifted enough to tilt the earth on its axis and everyone would have slid to the edge of the flat side and fallen off.…

  • Dehydration Dangers and How Not Drinking Enough Water Affects Your Body

    Dehydration is affecting all of us to some degree Dehydration is not talked about enough, which is incredible given the Dis-ease states it creates.  We need to think about this complex machine/body we walk around in more simple ways, and realize the inside of our body needs the same thought and concern we give the…

  • Weight Loss Progress with LifeWave Phototherapy Patches and a Focus on Healthy Choices

    “Islands in the stream. This is who we are.” 13 days are gone and so are another two pounds.  I cannot tell you how good I feel.  You will have to do this for yourself.  My body is slowing the process down. I won’t say I am plateauing, because that isn’t true.  As I said before…

  • Am I drinking enough water?

    Your body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate your joints. Water is needed for overall good health.Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly.  Drinking water daily is a must. Most people have been told they should drink 6…

  • Weight Loss Real World Actualities

    We make mistakes.  I make mistakes, including during my efforts on my weight loss journey.  I put things in my mouth I know I shouldn’t.  It might be comfort food. It might be just something that is in front of us in the moment.  These past ten days have been a little struggle when it…

  • In Weight Loss, as in Everything Else, Life Interferes.

    And So It Goes When you are trying to feel and look better, the recommendation is that you get good rest and stay away from stress.  I bet a politician made that up.  There are all kinds of exercises, diets, paraphernalia, expensive meal plans, surgeries with no follow up plan and crazy supplement programs.  All…

  • When it comes to weight loss, there is nothing to stop you except you

    Play it again. I am smaller and lighter, as opposed to smaller and heavier. I came through the Super Bowl for God’s sake. It is ten days and I got back on track. I didn’t regress. The patches are making a difference. They are helping me with cravings. They are helping me with little aches and…

  • What is The Best Sports Drink for Hydration?

    It’s so simple…water! The absolute BEST sports drink available is natural mineral water that’s oxygen-rich and alkaline.  Experts agree on the benefits of drinking mineral water. It’s one of the most powerful healing forces available.  Just plain water helps your body maintain normal temperature, lubricates and cushions your joints, protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues.…

  • Expectations and Frustrations in Weight Loss

    Ten more days are gone.  I got on the scale expecting to have dropped at least 3 more pounds. “The scale screwed me.”  I gained two and a half pounds.  I have been studying this stuff for fifty years.  What the heck is going on?  This stinks. Instead of being able to report that I…

  • Weight Loss and Wellness Accountability Update – One Month and Eighteen Days In.

    DEEP SIGH OF RELIEF I have gone through Christmas, New Years Day, 3 Birthdays,  Martin Luther Day, one disaster of binging and still on track.   I plateaued for nearly a week so I went back to Dr. Joel Furman’s book on fasting and did it in this way.  I stopped eating after dinner on a…

  • How Light Therapy Can Be Used For Weight Loss

    TOO MUCH! TOO MUCH! STOP! Well, I asked for feedback and got it.  The gist from several people I know and love is that the first segment was too long and basically sucked. After going back and re-reading it, I have to agree.  It missed the mark. It wouldn’t have got me started.  So where are…

  • December 31: Twixt and Tween

    I did very well driving to New Jersey and was very consistent with drinking water and placing Aeon, Glutathione, X39 and X49 phototherapy stem cell patches daily. The Nirvana SP Six, and Silent Nights also have application but I chose to go with the ones above as my mainstay.  Everyone must look at the challenges…

  • Personal Growth Is A Journey

    I wanted to get this out before Christmas. I did not not get on the scale again so, no update there.  Frankly, there shouldn’t be.  We are on the road for the Christmas Season and with it comes the trials and tribulations of smiles, road rage,  other peoples schedules and the joy of being around…

  • Hope Versus Heartache

    This idea of hope vs. heartache is an ongoing dilemma for most of us.  In this journey we are on the right side of the equation.  I jumped on the scale two days shy of ten, but it is Christmas time and I wanted to give the hope part the benefit if possible. I already…

  • Back to My Highschool Weight: Bad News & Good News.

    I waited an extra week to put together the third installment of this completely new way of looking at bodily function enhanced by light patches and up-regulating systems based on resonation. I have good news and bad news. To back up, I began this journey with the goal of reaching my high school weight. I…

  • Lose the Weight You Want To With Phototherapy Patches

    I was beginning to put a program for weight loss together before the convention and decided to weight (get it?). I know, I am stupid but I do make myself smile. I have organized and run weight loss programs for a couple different network marketing companies. We always designed them to work for both women…

  • Why do our phototherapy patches work and how do they work so quickly?

    We have been asked over and over why our phototherapy patches work and how they work so quickly. Also, why we are using them? A simple answer is everything in the universe resonates at different frequencies. Vitamin C, Glutathione red blood cells, kidney cells all vibrant and speaking a language we don’t yet fully understand.…

  • Forever Christmas: A Modern Reimagining of the Classic Nativity Story

    by Thomas Weber This little story has sustained us for thousands of years.  Hope is eternal, energy is infinite and we wonder what we would do without joy and brotherhood. Join the author as he weaves a tale of hope and kindness in a world hell bent on chaos in the novel, Forever Christmas. We,…

  • Why Drinking More Water Isn’t Enough

    Staying hydrated takes more than just increasing your fluid intake. Here’s everything you need to learn about hydrating yourself at a cellular level: When we think of hydration, the first thing that pops into our mind is plain water. You’ve probably seen many experts talking about the amount of water that you need to drink…

  • Dehydration is Real in Kids Sports

    Regardless of the weather or what climate you live in, children and dehydration is an important topic for parents. Excessive sweating and low fluid intake can put young athletes at risk for dehydration. As children return to school over the months of August and September you will find many young athletes outside, practicing and playing…

  • The Shock and Awe Factor for our Health

    What is it about us humans that makes us go for the Shock and Awe factor? We do it with our Health when we follow trends that “shock and awe” our bodies rather than nurturing them. Protein powders for the most part are exactly that. They shock your system with a high amount of protein…

  • Sea Vegetables-The Next Step for Excellent Health and Nutrition

    Want to know what’s the next great thing in the world of Nutrition? Sea Vegetables. Sea vegetables are plants from the sea. They not only carry an amazing array of nutrients, but they’re also energetically charged, taste amazing, and come in many different forms. Most sea vegetables contain a similar array of nutrients, including iodine,…

  • Detoxing Naturally…

    Detox diets are said to eliminate toxins from your body, improve health, and promote weight loss. They often involve the use of laxatives, diruetics, vitamins, minerals, teas, and other foods thought to have detoxing properties. The term “toxin” in the context of detox diets is loosely defined. It typically includes pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals,…

  • Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Benefits

    Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has gained a lot of popularity and fame recently. The reason for that is the fact that it is wrongfully associated with steroid use within multiple sports. While the topic of how HGH is different from steroids is best left to the experts, it is important that people understands the benefits…

  • A Gift – “Time to get our gel on”

    Being involved in health and wellness for more than forty years gives me a little insight into how the body responds to new stimuli. Thinking of all the mentors and teachers I’ve been blessed with gives me pause. Many of them were kind enough to look past my arrogance to find some semblance of sincerity…

  • Anti Aging Means Living Longer and Staying Healthier

    Is there a fountain of youth? Is it possible to be like the image of Dorian Grey and never age? We have feared the unknown and death since the beginning of time. Now we are closer to understanding these things and growing older has taken on a different meaning in society. Growing older chronologically no…

  • How Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Can Make Us Younger

    Somaderm™ Gel is the only transdermal, FDA registered product, with homeopathic human growth hormone (HGH) available without a prescription – Order Now This natural slowdown has triggered an almost viral interest in using Human Growth Hormone (HGH) as a way to stave off some of the changes linked to aging, such as decreased muscle and…

  • Chasing Miracles is proud to bring you an exciting new product to kick off Summer called HGH Gel

    HGH Gel is the only transdermal, FDS registered product containing HOMEOPATHIC human growth hormone available. This product is designed especially for men and women 35 plus interested in supporting a healthy lifestyle and overall well being. GROWING OLD IS A FACT OF LIFE, AND IT’S INEVITABLE: Our bones become brittle, skin starts to wrinkle, muscles…

  • How does pH Affect Your Health?

    Let’s break this down into a beginners basic form: The pH scale runs from 0 (acidic) to 14 (basic or alkaline) with 7 as neutral. Most water will test at a pH of 7. Sulphuric acid has a pH of almost 0, and is extremely acidic and highly corrosive. At the opposite end of the…

  • The Incredible Health Benefits of Alkaline Water – Get The Facts!

    For most of the years we are alive we take our body for granted. It goes about its business without us even thinking about it. Our sub-conscious mind makes most decisions for us. It decides to grow our skin, heal our colds and broken bones, beat our heart and add tears to our eyes. It…

  • Why Are We Trying To Reinvent Water?

    The big question that always comes up from people who are wanting to improve their health by reducing the sugar laden drinks in their diet is: “Can carbonated beverages harm you?” Or: “Can you hydrate from carbonated water?” There are some common health concerns associated with drinking carbonated water — for instance, that it leaches…

  • It’s Never Too Late For Change

    I am an older person. Sixty seven to be exact. I believe my body, in a perfect world, would heal everything that goes wrong with it. It has done a pretty good job up to now of fixing my infections, shortening my colds, mending my broken bones, cuts and abrasions of which there have been…

  • Memorial Day – Mission of Hope!

    We The People In honor of Memorial Day this month Chasing Miracles wants to share it’s mission of Hope. Chasing Miracles centers around kindness and a belief in the human spirit, but it goes further. In the beginning, there were just people and the writing was a form of entertainment and expression. Things changed rapidly…

  • The Healing Power of Water

    May is a month filled with priorities. Graduations, Mothers Day, Proms, Weddings, Summer Vacation Planning, Memorial Day, Spring Cleaning and so much more. Our bodies require Hydration and Rest to function on a daily basis. When the stress levels are up we need to pay close attention to what our bodies are telling us it…

  • Gateway to Summer

    We hear it every year in May -and it’s always hard to believe, but summer is right around the corner. That means swimming pools, lazy Sundays on the patio, and food extravaganzas galore. So, before you throw on the flip-flops and head to the beach, there are some great suggestions you will want to take…

  • It’s never too late to begin to maximize your health with a fresh start

    May is upon us at last. Did you know that the month of May represents New Beginnings? Flowers sprouting from seeds A true end to the last remains of winter Start of plans for summer vacations Better choices of fresh fruits and vegetables More outside activities Businesses entering Profit months Celebration of Mothers Day where…

  • Pharmaceutical Side Effects: One size rarely fits all

    Side effect. Or for lack of a better way of telling us, we were only kidding, this stuff can kill you a couple different ways. We even tell you this in the ads we run so don’t blame us, blame yourself. This stuff we are giving you is poison and a lot of bad things…

  • Are you ready to Beat Sugar Addiction?

    In today’s world of food there is no getting away from sugar. It’s in almost everything – and it is most certainly in everything that is processed. Ask yourself a few basic questions… Are you serious about changing for the better? Do you consider yourself health challenged? Does your diet consist of high sugar drinks?…

  • Your Body Is Like a Garden! Celebrate Spring with Essential Minerals!

    Our bodies are like gardens. They need to be fed, nurtured and tended to on a regular basis. When you develop a routine of making better choices it becomes a habit over time. Creating a balance between supplements and getting nutrients by eating whole foods with all the nutrients together in harmony, grown just the…

  • Proof that all things are possible and common sense hydration.

    Possible is an incredible word. We believe wholeheartedly in possibilities especially when you link them to the word common-sense. I guess some would consider this two words, but don‘t let anyone fool you. It is just one. Most of us are average or common, and most of us have sense. Average people exercising common-sense have…

  • Weight loss and Healthy Resolutions After the Holidays

    The Holidays are over. Stuffing ourselves beyond becoming comatose in a chair is put away until next year. It is January and here we are with our list. This year we are going to save money, spend time with family, quit smoking, exercise regularly, read more books, eat healthier, and the number one thing we…

  • Dehydration and Demineralization 101

    There is a list of diseases associated with dehydration, and electrolytic mineral depletion. Nice to use big or confusing words isn’t it? Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity are just a few. The book, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water: You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty, maps out all the benefits of drinking more water…

  • The Hype of Alkalinity

    Alkalinity has become all the rage across conversations about nutrition. Unfortunately, hype can be devastating to our body, because no one really understands how the body works continually to balance itself. One hundred and forty trillion cells are continually communicating and dancing in rhythm. Bad information throws everything out of sync, or worse, causes disease.…

  • The Easiest Way to Drink More Water

    The easiest way to drink more water is to buy a bigger water bottle. It’s that simple. Most of us are drinking bottled water from plastic bottles which is not stored at proper temperatures to keep the bad stuff from leaking into the water itself. When I see bottled water sold in stores by the…

  • You Are Never Too Old to Improve Your Life

    Have you ever decided to make a healthy lifestyle change but quickly given up, telling yourself that it’s too late to learn new habits? It’s time to take charge and not let your age stop you, because there’s surprisingly not that much difference between an 18-year-old brain and a 100-year-old brain, says Argye Hills, MD…

  • Weight Loss is simple, but not always easy.

    If you eat less you will lose weight. Simple. What is hard is eating less. What if you could eat more? We all know eating the “right” foods will help you lose weight. We also know that choosing the right foods is hard. Making those choices with our heads rather than what our bodies communicate…

  • Forgiveness

    I think one of our greatest assets is a short memory. Within it lies our infinite capacity for forgiveness. The only time I remember being disappointed in myself is when I failed to see the best in another person. What a wonderful lesson to learn. Looking past our own, or someone else’s faults opens the…

  • Let’s Start a Movement

    Fads, whether they be insanity workouts, the latest hair dye, tanning salons or crazy weight loss diets, all can be damaging. Each of us needs to examine risks versus rewards all the time and then make a choice. Unfortunately, we as a group have made some bad choices and this crosses the entire spectrum of…

  • Healthy Choices to Balance and Simplify Your Life

    One of the most important gifts we have in our lives is the freedom of choice. The definition of CHOICE is: “Selected as one’s favorite or the best.” Chasing Miracles is all about helping you find what’s best for you. SIMPLICITY by definition is: “Making things easier.” Our lives are all over booked. Our time…

  • Silver: Nature’s Anti-Bacterial/Anti-Viral Solution

    It never ceases to amaze me how many things we think God or nature is unable to do without us. Have we allowed ourselves to become so arrogant that we really believe the Earth can’t get along without us? When we sit and marvel at all the things we have accomplished in Medicine, Science and…

  • Turn Your Water Into Singer’s Water

    I am world-renowned glass shattering vocal coach and author of Raise Your Voice Jaime Vendera. You might’ve seen me blowing up glasses with my voice on shows like MythBusters, Good Morning America or Time Warp. Want to know my secret for a powerful life lasting voice? It can be broken down into 3 simple points:…